i was fully expecting to cuphead to die in a horrible way because, well, he was fighting Skitzo! But seems like i was wrong; still, great animation you made!
i was fully expecting to cuphead to die in a horrible way because, well, he was fighting Skitzo! But seems like i was wrong; still, great animation you made!
You know it actually warms my dark evil heart a little that so many people wanted Cuphead to die by Skitzo lol! True Skitzo fans!! XD
simple yet really fun, also it seems like rainbow dash is delicious now...ok, still pretty cool
this is simply incredible, smoothly animated and with really great music, and that ending, man..
this animation isn't a simply continuation of metal gear awesome, is a tribute to everything that makes newgrounds..well newgrounds, madness combat, tankman and alien homnid (the gun, not the alien) is simply the things that make this website incredible; plus egoraptor voice snake again, how cool is that!?
fast paced, over the top, silly music in the ending, everything about this animation is simply perfect; good job!
He may got succ to death, but he will always live as long there is water, also i like the animation style you got there
Never thought of it that way...thanks Esitaro!
who knew a simple quote from a podcast could make animations like this? also not to be mean but the arms of spongebob are a bit longer than his regular arms, other than that, it's pretty good!
it's really hard to go "dawww" after watchign a girl head-butting a tree with that cute bird-like helmet, not only that but i love the music, really fits with the setting of the animation, i love it!
i remember as a kid watching this flash series, not only that but wanting to know how was going to continue, or even to end, not only that but years later i can see the animation has been...well, really outdated but still, is that charm of how outated it is in comparision of sticks animation lately, but never the less, it was really cool back then and watching it again makes me remember why it was that cool
I really dig how you get the early Egoraptor style of drawing, humor and style, is pretty good!Iim kinda disapointed that at the end of the video, there is no player playing the sequel and then being mad because it's not as good as the original game and then being shot in the face, but hey, awesome parodies, it's been a while since i saw one of those!
Some guy who likes to draw, REALLY loves video games, cartoons, movies, a bit of comics and is into adult stuffs, like furry draws, also hablo espaƱol, asi que tengan buen dia
Age 27, Male
Joined on 3/25/13